Saturday, August 29, 2009


Originally uploaded by Connie Vickers
Another photo done from reference photos taken during my Sparta, North Carolina weekend. This one is again, watercolor and watercolor pencil. The paper in this little book is not a very good quality of watercolor paper and I have to be very careful not to overwork it. The painting reminds me of the cool evenings there even though it was July! Great memories...

I haven't done a very good job of journaling since school started. Too busy, too tired, too overwhelmed, too, too, too. You get the picture. I read an article today in an old Sketchbook magazine (I wish they still published) about staying creative if you had 5 minutes, or 10 minutes and it reminded me that each moment is an opportunity. I will do better...


  1. I'm with you on that tired thing since school started!! That, too will be better. I love this page you did with its lovely perspective!

  2. This is lovely. You definitely captured the feeling of the mountains with this pretty scene.

  3. I was a classroom teacher for many years so I understand and sympathize completely! Wonderful job on the flowers in the foreground!
