Sunday, August 23, 2009


Originally uploaded by Connie Vickers
This painting was done from a reference photo taken during my weekend with cousins in Sparta, North Carolina. I spent many hours that weekend on this old wooden bench enjoying the quiet, reading and relaxing. The painting brings that back for me. One of the joys of summer for me is "time". This summer I tried daily to take advantage of every moment I was blessed with.

I will strive to continue in that vein now that school is starting!


  1. This is so charming!! And I agree about the luxury of summer "time." I hope we both find ways to stretch the minutes, with the start of school TOMORROW!!

  2. Lovely sketch, so peaceful looking. Nice work.

  3. What a pretty little sketch! It certainly DOES look like the inviting spot to read or just reflect!! I think you've captured it perfectly.

  4. Looks like a great activity for the beginning of summer, relaxing in a beautiful outdoors setting! You have a good idea to 'catch up' with your summer by painting now that you have time....or have to be more disciplined to make time!

  5. It is really great! Some day I would like to teach somebody how wonderful it is to draw, even when you are not Leonardo Da Vinci! This is how I feel.
