Sunday, July 12, 2009


Having done very little blogging and certainly never intending to create a blog of my own, we will call this a work in progress...So I will start by sharing a journal page. My Chipping Sparrow. And from here...well, we will see.


  1. YAHOO, CONNIE!! THIS REALLY LOOKS GREAT! AND I LOVE YOUR PAINTING! Soft and yet detailed -- love it!! Congrats!!! i think this looks fabulous!

  2. This is a very professional but welcoming looking blogsite. And, oh, such a nice looking hostess! i am dying to learn what I can ...

  3. Well you are doing great. You just have to keep it up. That's the hard part but not too hard if you keep painting or drawing as then you always have something to share.

  4. Congratulations, Connie. Glad you started this one. Great bird sketch. You're a natural with this one.

  5. Love the little sparrow, so nicely done. One of your watercolor pencil classmates.
