Wednesday, July 15, 2009


My geraniums have been off and on with their blooms. Right now they are doing well and surrounded in the pot by my spotted nettle. This painting was also done with the water-soluble oil pastel and I like the way it forces me to keep the work loose. Really loose as a matter of fact. It reminds me of coloring with fat crayons!


  1. Hi Connie,
    Popping over here from Online Art and Kate's Watercolor class. Your blog is really nice and
    your geraniums are beautiful! I'm enjoying seeing all your lovely work!


  2. Oh, that DID make a nice effect, Connie, lovely!

  3. Oh, but it's exploding with the exuberance geraniums have which is why we love them so much. Terrific.

    What do you mean, you need help with your blog? Looks great to me.

  4. WONDERFUL, Vickie! My geraniums too -- on and off -- but I so love them! I saw some incredible peach colors yesterday that I wish I had in my own garden!

  5. I really like this painting a lot- the bleeding effect adds such a great abstract quality to the flowers
