Sunday, October 11, 2009


Originally uploaded by Connie Vickers
Had fun with this one. The challenge was to see what I could do with only the three primaries. I was pleased with the small sketch as a first try but the fun was in getting there!

First was making the new little palette. It's only about 2" square and has full pans of color. In Art Escapes, Dory Kanter refers to these three as her "full triad". Working with the tiny palette was fun. And then...

I took a photo of the tiny palette with my digital and printed it with my little Kodac Zinc. For those of you who haven't run across this new toy, it's a small Kodac printer that you carry with you (you can also use it plugged into an outlet if its battery is low). It prints out a photo about 2 x 3 inches (I didn't take time to measure) and when you peel off the back - it's sticky paper!!!!!! How much fun can you have with one little journal entry.

I may have used "little" and "tiny" to much - but HEY, they were! LOL

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Originally uploaded by Connie Vickers

I think each time the season changes, I say "this is my favorite time of year". So I guess it is. The colors of fall are impossible for me to capture, so I have to be satisfied that my sketches will remind me of that particular time and that particular place...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Manic Monday

Manic Monday
Originally uploaded by Connie Vickers

Remember 1984 and the Bangles "Just another manic Monday? It went to #2 and was one of those songs that I just couldn't get out of my head. Well I guess I'm showing my age. So anyway...

I just bought a book called The Awe-Manac - as in Almanac - but with AWE instead of ALL. One of the suggestions is to name the day. So I did. The book is cheerful, inspiring, creative, gives you quotes to think about and ideas for things to journal. What fun!